He is completely loyal to his leader, Alpha, following her orders without question and respecting her decisions completely and looking up to her. He somewhat appears to hate the person he once was and desperately wants to escape his past though it also seems, in a way, that he wants to preserve his image as the inspiring musician he once was.

This shows that Beta, like Alpha and a majority of the Whisperers, has completely shed the identity and life he once had and has adapted fully to the post-apocalyptic hell.

He is shown to be extremely protective of his identity to the point that he even murders a fellow Whisperer for recognizing him from his days as a celebrity before the apocalypse. Prior to his time with the Whisperers however, Beta was revealed to be a solitary, socially awkward, and mentally unstable individual, having apparently turned into a recluse and gone insane after his best friend died. Beta is shown to be a brutal, sociopathic, cunning, aggressive, and highly analytical man who is devoted to the Whisperer way of life.